
Prices for real estate in Southeast Asia are skyrocketing. Therefore, as Chinese and Americans actually purchase real estate in Southeast Asia, we will set up a marketing campaign on the Metaverse to encourage them to purchase real estate without actually going to Southeast Asia. The objective is to increase the market value of the property by using it as a proprietary token. This will be developed globally.


Private sale

If you send money to this address, we will send ESTER in response. The rate reflected in our account will be used for calculation. 1ESTER=0.002usd

  • The web3 industry is becoming more and more popular in Europe. The market is active at a level where VC's are also attached.
  • The time has come to buy real estate on the web3. The combination with crypto assets will become mainstream.
  • Create a world war where you can buy not only real estate in your own country, but also real estate in various countries on the Metaverse.
  • Be a pioneer in the era of cross-border web3. Aim to be the optimal payment tool.


Used for settlement coins in real estate on the Metaverse. In the metaverse space with the development of the age from now on to mainstream transactions in P2P.